Representing the Longhorns + Long-A$$ Mondays

July 12, 2010

Morning everyone!

Charlie thought it would be a good idea to wake me up around 3:30 this morning and confuse the heck out of me…..usually he’s like clockwork and cries at the door when he knows we’ll be waking up to feed + love him.  But, today he was a little impatient and his early morning wake-up call resulted in over-tired-me sleeping through the alarm.

No real harm done, I woke up with plenty of time to get myself ready and decided on a yummy smoothie for the guy and myself.  This one isn’t my typical green smoothie, but it’s super delicious!

An Orange Dreamsicle Contains:

  • 5 ice cubes
  • 1 C vanilla yogurt
  • 1/2 C orange juice (today I used orange-pineapple)

So simple, yet so fantastic!  It’s definitely Jay’s favorite.  Fun fact regarding this “Go Longhorns” cup: Jay and I have been collecting pint glasses from the various places we’ve visited over the past couple of years and we made sure to grab this little fella before we left Austin.  UT is my best friend Traceface’s school and their Longhorn football team fan base is so comparable to Sox fans.  People go CRAZY over this college team including decking out their children in Longhorn gear and training them to perform various Longhorn gestures.  So cute…

Today is going to be a SUPER long day so I’m preparing with lots of mini-meals!  I have packed home-made whole grain berry muffins, a pumpkin flax bar, 1/2 veggie sub, and left over whole grain ziti with tomato sauce to get me through from 8am – a possible 11ish pm.

As atrocious as Mondays may be, it’s comforting to know that we both have Tuesdays off.  🙂

How do you prepare for the day?

Check out this pathetically sad pup as his rents leave for the day! He can totally tell early on in the morning that we’re going to be leaving and he tries SO hard to guilt us into staying.  It’s very hard to leave that face behind, but you should see how crazy he gets when we return to him – dogs increase happiness – it’s a fact!

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